
The cron subcommand provides functionality from manipulating cron jobs in a server.


  • cat Print detailed information for a registered cron job in a server
  • add Adds a cron job to a server
  • ls Lists all registered cron jobs in a server
  • update Updates a cron job to a server
  • rm Removes a registered cron job from a server
  • help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


  • -h, --help Print help
  • -V, --version Print version

Cron cat

The cron cat subcommand prints detailed information for a registered cron job in a server.


  • --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
  • -s, --server The name of the server to fetch the cron job from
  • -i, --id The id of the target cron job
  • -h, --help Print help
  • -V, --version Print version


$ bld cron cat -i 5592508f-507c-4224-a7af-1983c2ccb971 -s local

Cron add

the cron add subcommand adds a cron job to a server.


  • --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
  • -s, --server The name of the server to upsert the cron job to
  • -p, --pipeline The name of the target pipeline
  • -S, --schedule The new schedule for the cron job
  • -v, --variable Define value for a variable. Can be used multiple times
  • -e, --environment Define value for an environment variable. Can be used multiple times
  • -h, --help Print help
  • -V, --version Print version


$ bld cron add -s local -p sample-pipeline.yaml -S '10 * * * * * *' -v var1=hello -v var2=world -e env1='hello world'

Cron ls

The cron ls subcommand lists all registered cron jobs in a server.


  • --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
  • -s, --server The name of the server to list the cron jobs from
  • -i, --id The id of the target cron job
  • -p, --pipeline The pipeline name for the target cron jobs
  • -S, --schedule The schedule for the target cron jobs
  • -d, --default <IS_DEFAULT> Fetch only the default cron jobs [possible values: true, false]
  • -l, --limit Limit the results
  • -h, --help Print help
  • -V, --version Print version


$ bld cron ls -s local
$ bld cron ls -s local -p sample-pipeline.yaml
$ bld cron ls -s local -p sample-pipeline.yaml -l 10
$ bld cron ls -s local -l 10 -d true

Cron update

The cron update subcommand updates a cron job to a server.


  • --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
  • -s, --server The name of the server to upsert the cron job to
  • -i, --id The id of the target cron job
  • -S, --schedule The new schedule for the cron job
  • -v, --variable Define value for a variable. Can be used multiple times
  • -e, --environment Define value for an environment variable. Can be used multiple times
  • -h, --help Print help
  • -V, --version Print version


$ bld cron update -s local -i 5592508f-507c-4224-a7af-1983c2ccb971 -S '10 * * * * * *' -v var1=hello -e env1=world

Cron rm

The cron rm subcommand removes a registered cron job from a server.


  • --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
  • -i, --id <CRON_JOB_ID> The id of the cron job to remove
  • -s, --server The name of the server to remove the cron job from
  • -h, --help Print help
  • -V, --version Print version


$ bld cron rm -s local -i 5592508f-507c-4224-a7af-1983c2ccb971