
The hist sub-command will fetch execution history of pipelines on a Bld server.


  • --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
  • -s, --server The name of the server to fetch history from
  • -x, --state Filter the history with state. Possible values are all, initial, queued, running, finished [default: running]
  • -p, --pipeline Filter the history with state. Possible values are all, initial, queued, running, finished
  • -l, --limit Limit the results [default: 100]
  • -h, --help Print help
  • -V, --version Print version


$ bld hist -s local_server
$ bld hist -s local_server -x initial
$ bld hist -s local_server -x queued
$ bld hist -s local_server -x running
$ bld hist -s local_server -x finished
$ bld hist -s local_server -x faulted
$ bld hist -s local_server -x all
$ bld hist -s local_server -x running -l 200